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The event "Into the Sixth Institute of China National Aviation Engineering", a think tank of the Architectural Structure Design Innovation and Development Salon, was successfully held

Release time: 2024-05-21Author: Henan Civil Architecture Society

In order to speed up the formation of intelligent structure design model,Promote the digital and intelligent development of the engineering construction industry,4月25日,It is organized by the Sixth Institute of China Machinery, China Academy of Building Science Co., LTD., and Henan Civil Architecture Society,Beijing Guoli Technology Co., LTD,Henan Engineering Survey and Design Industry Association, Henan Civil Architecture Society Building structure Professional Committee, Henan Civil Architecture Society Metal structure professional committee, Henan Province prefabricated building Industry Development Association, Henan Province building products and energy conservation standardization Technical Committee supported by the building structure design innovation and development salon "into the sixth Institute" activities in the sixth Institute of China MachineryThe lecture hall was successfully held,More than 100 guests at the level of chief engineer of the structure gathered at the salon。


With the theme of "Innovative Development of Building Structure Design", many industry leaders and experts and scholars closely followed the hot topics of the industry, elaborated the innovation and development of construction engineering technology in multiple dimensions, shared the application of cutting-edge technology from multiple perspectives, and prepared for the development of a more digital and intelligent new stage in the survey and design industry。

会上,Wang Aiju, Secretary general of Henan Civil and Architectural Society, Wu Xudong, deputy general manager and professor-level senior engineer of the Sixth Design and Research Institute of Machinery Industry,Huang Shimin, chief scientist and chief engineer of China Academy of Building Science,Each delivered a speech for the event,Warm congratulations on the successful holding of the event "Into the Sixth Institute of China Machinery Engineering", a think tank of the Salon for the Innovation and Development of Building Structure Design,And encourage fellow experts to speak freely,Share more new ideas and show more new results,Full communication,In-depth cooperation,Jointly contribute to the development of the engineering construction field。


▲ Wang Aiju, secretary general of Henan Civil Architecture Society

The opening ceremony and report by Beijing Goli Technology Co., LTD. Central region general manager, Wuhan R & D Center deputy general manager Zhou Pan,Mechanical industry sixth Design and Research Institute Co., LTD. Deputy general manager, professor level senior engineer Wu Xudong,CAI Liming, chief engineer consultant of Henan Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., LTD., Chairman of the building structure Professional Committee of Henan Civil Architecture Society, Chairman of the special Review Committee of seismic fortification of high-rise building projects in Henan Province,The activity is mainly divided into two parts: sharing the theme of architectural structure design innovation and development and thinking about frontier issues,Focus on the theme of "Innovative development of architectural structure design",Facilitate communication between structural peers,Here are the highlights of the event。

Zhou Pan, general manager of Central Region and deputy general manager of Wuhan R&D Center, presided over the opening ceremony.Wu Xudong, deputy general manager and senior engineer at professor level, hosted the first half of the activity.CAI Liming, chief engineer consultant of Henan Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., LTD., Chairman of the Professional Committee of Building structure of Henan Civil Architecture Society, chairman of the special Review Committee of seismic fortification of high-rise building projects in Henan Province, presided over the second half of the activities。

Topic Sharing · Building structure design innovation and development

• Huang Shimin, chief scientist and chief engineer of China Academy of Building Research Co., LTD., shared "Research and Practice of Seismic Performance Design of Building Structures"

• Xia Xuyong, Party Secretary and General manager of Beijing Goli Technology Co., LTD., shared "Digital Transformation Helps Survey and Design Enterprises Innovate and Develop"

• 河南省城乡规划设计研究总院股份有限公司正高级工程师、总工程师贺浩,分享《<河南省建筑隔震技术标准>编制及实践》

• Liu Peng, Academician, Director of Arup, head of Beijing Office and director of Architectural Society of China Building Structure Branch, shared "PKPM-AID: Intelligent Design Creates Value"

• Li Yamin, Deputy chief engineer, chief structural engineer, researcher level senior engineer and first-level registered structural engineer of the Sixth Design and Research Institute of Machinery Industry Co., LTD., shared "Discussion on Structural Design Technology of Anyang Sports Center Stadium"

• Lu Lu, senior engineer of the Sixth Design and Research Institute of Machinery Industry, shared "Analysis and Design of Key and Difficult Points of the Project Structure of Zhengzhou International Cultural Exchange Center"

• Sun Lichun, Senior Engineer of Zhengzhou Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., LTD., Vice President of the Second Engineering Institute of Zhengzhou Architectural Design Institute, Director of Structural Reinforcement Technology Center and enterprise mentor of master students of Henan University of Technology, shared "Several Problems and Case Analysis of Existing Building Identification and Reinforcement"

• Shi Jianxin, Deputy general manager of Structural Software Division of Beijing Gioli Technology Co., LTD., shared "PKPM Intelligent Solution for Performance-based Design of Reinforcement and Renovation of Existing Buildings"

Thinking meeting Industry frontier issues exchange


Lou Yubao, chief engineer and professor-level senior engineer of Henan Urban and Rural Planning and Design Research Institute Co., LTD., presided over the opening of the brainstorming meeting, and the atmosphere of the scene heated up rapidly。The host and the guests discussed three cutting-edge topics in the industry:

(1) How can design companies apply digital technology to build new core competitiveness?

(2) Urban renewal How will we innovate and develop?

(3) What is the help of intelligent aided design software for structural designers?

After the host and the guests on the stage elaborated their views on this topic, they invited the experts to join the discussion, exchange discussions among peers, explore the challenges and opportunities of the future development of the industry, and the collision of thinking caused wide resonance of the on-site representatives!

Expert acknowledgement

Construction force think tank experts settled in the ceremony

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Before the meeting, all the guests came to the exhibition hall of the Sixth Hospital of China International Airport to visit and exchange ideas。

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

Contact information

    • Contact: Zhang Miaozi

    • Contact number: 0371-63934798

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    • Address: No.96, Huanghe Road, Zhengzhou City

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